Salt and pepper là gì


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Bạn đã xem: Salt & pepper là gì

Their plumage is generally pale brown with small blaông xã spots và bands all over, creating the salt-and-pepper effect found in most peacock-pheasants. It has been nicknamed the salt-and-pepper mudsnail due to lớn the final whorl being lighter than the rest of the shell. On most cameras, slower shutter speeds lead lớn increased salt-and-pepper noise due lớn photodiode leakage currents. He"s six feet, two inches tall, with dark brooding eyes & salt-and-pepper hair (he can still clayên that it"s mostly pepper). Their adult coat is long and abundant, & comes in various colors including solid and/or mixed shades of black, golden yellowish-blonde, reddish-orange, browns, and salt-and-pepper greys. Các ý kiến của các ví dụ ko biểu thị ý kiến của các biên tập viên hoặc của University Press xuất xắc của các bên cấp giấy phép.

Bạn đang xem: Salt and pepper là gì


a female bee that cannot produce young but collects food for the other bees that it lives with

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