Behind the song lyrics: "i'll be there for you," bon jovi

“I’ll Be There for You” is the Friends theme song. It was recorded by the American pop rock duo The Rembrandts.The “Friends” theme tuy nhiên is generally seen as a memorable… Read More 
So no one told you life was gonna be this wayYour job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's D.O.AIt's lượt thích you're always stuck in second gearWhen it hasn't been your day, your weekYour month, or even your year, butI'll be there for you(When the rain starts to pour)I'll be there for you(Like I've been there before)I'll be there for you('Cause you're there for me too)You're still in bed at ten và work began at eightYou've burned your breakfast, so far things are going greatYour mother warned you there'd be days lượt thích theseBut she didn't tell you when the world has broughtYou down to your knees that
I'll be there for you(When the rain starts to lớn pour)I'll be there for you(Like I've been there before)I'll be there for you('Cause you're there for me too)No one could ever know meNo one could ever see meSeems you're the only one who knowsWhat it's lượt thích to be meSomeone khổng lồ face the day withMake it through all the rest withSomeone I'll always laugh withEven at my worst, I'm best with you, yeahIt's lượt thích you're always stuck in second gearWhen it hasn't been your day, your weekYour month, or even your yearI'll be there for you(When the rain starts to lớn pour)I'll be there for you(Like I've been there before)I'll be there for you('Cause you're there for me too)
I'll be there for youI'll be there for youI'll be there for you('Cause you're there for me too)
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“I’ll Be There for You” is the Friends theme song. It was recorded by the American pop rock duo The Rembrandts.

Bạn đang xem: Behind the song lyrics: "i'll be there for you," bon jovi

The “Friends” theme tuy nhiên is generally seen as a memorable anthem about the hardships of adulthood & the restorative powers of friendship. But there is also the possibility that the lyrics are specific khổng lồ a character in particular and not the main friend group at large.

Written in 1994 by “Friends” creators Marta Kaufmann & David Crane, as well as composer Michael Skloff and songwriter Ailee Willis, the lyrics focus on Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston), whose life is turned upside down after she abandons her fiancee, Barry, at the alter. As we see in the pilot episode, Rachel serendipitously enters Central Perk và is reacquainted with her childhood best friend Monica Geller (Courtney Cox).

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Among the group of friends is Ross Geller (David Schwimmer), Monica’s older brother. Having known Rachel all his life, Ross views her as an unrequited love and the feelings he has harbored for his entire life instantly come rushing back. Throughout the 10 season run of “Friends”, the bộ vi xử lý core predicament is whether Ross & Rachel will kết thúc up together.

It is feasible then that these lyrics are not only a key to lớn the arc of the series, but written from the perspective of Ross who is saying this to lớn Rachel in an attempt khổng lồ express his love and devotion to her.